Gem Upgrades

Gem upgrades are permanent upgrades that cost gems. They are never reset. They have a linear cost increase.

Gem Generator

The gem generator is the primary way of generating gems. It costs cash to upgrade and every purchase increases the cost. It works online and offline.

Spinner Generation and Max

The spinner generation and max upgrade increased the cash per second and max cash capacity of spinners by 1%. The max is 100k %.

Increase Online and Offline Earned

The increase online and offline earned increases your passive cash income. It works online and offline, so it's a good first upgrade to get. The max is 100%.

Spinner Spawn Cooldown

The spinner spawn cooldown reduces the cooldown between spinner spawns. Each level reduces the time by 0.2 seconds to a minimum of 0.5 seconds.

Bouncer Collision Vortex Cooldown

The bouncer collision vortex cooldown reduces the time between possible vortex spawns. Each level reduces the time by 0.2 to a minimum of 5 seconds.

Collector Constant Speed

The collector constant speed increased the minimum speed of the collector by 0.3 to a maximum of 30. This will keep the collector moving around, allowing it to collect from spinners without your input.

Spinner generation Per Gem

The spinner generation per gem will increase the spinner cash generation by a percent for each 200k gems earned. This will let you continue to increase your cash earned with gems. The max is 50%.